Thursday, August 18, 2011

Last 1st day EVER!

Today was the last 1st day of school... ever... and I couldn't be more excited! Brandon and I relaxed and slept in this morning, thanks to my late afternoon schedule of classes. We woke up slow and ran a few errands, shopping included of course until it was time to come back home to get ready for class. I have 3 classes on campus, all in a row which makes life easy with no breaks. He dropped me off at 1:30 and though I am now spoiled with the drop off/pick up service, I do have to walk all the way across campus for my last class which was H-O-T! My teacher mentioned it was 117 degrees, that is just ridiculous. I walked out of my last class after finally cooling off which only took an hour, only to my surprise did I see the 3rd haboob of the summer coming right my way! YIKES! Luckily I was picked up just in time for it to hit our area and the sky went immediately from sunny to dark.

After Bran picked me up we went straight to Tempe Marketplace for my favorite dinner treat at the moment, Chipotle cilantro rice and tacos ... MMMM :) We then went to Dave & Busters together for our first time which was really fun - he won me a huge ball from the gigantic claw machine. It was great to feel like a kid again when life feels like it is moving so quickly.

Overall it was a great first day back.
We even celebrated last night at the Salt Cellar, a cute little place in Scottsdale we have been talking about trying for a while now, from the street it looks like it couldn't hold more than 4 people but you walk in and you just walk down wooden steps for a while into this great underground restaurant, so neat! We shared a seafood stuffed lobster, seared scallops, some shrimp appetizer,  and yummy sides. Although the table next to us had a 5lb stuffed lobster which we heard costs only a mere $107! HAHA

We are just packing Bran up for his next adventure onto Parsippany, NJ - sounds like a fun city!
Can't wait till he comes home for some more weekday adventures!